Information Technology and Database Development Bureau Information Technology and Database Development Bureau
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1.      Introduction

Nowadays the world is considered to be as one village due to the fact that rapid technological advancement has led to fast information exchange and societies have become closer to each other. In order to design any kind of programme, plan, or project and make the right decision, it is imperative to use information that is geo spatial or not as an input. Information plays a very important role in our country’s economic, social and political development, as we are living in the age of information.

In the light of this, the Information Technology and Database Bureau is playing its part in enabling the Ministry to attain its mission by automating the working system and installing and administrating the information web infrastructure and ensure the presence of reliable information exchange.

2.      Focus Areas of Information Technology and Database Development Programme

·         A software and database development system for the sector

·         A wide area network system for the sector

·         Information policy designing and strengthened human resource development in information communication technology (ICT)

2.1. Network Installation

·         Making the Ministry to be connected with accountable institutions, regional urban development and construction bureaux or similar institutions as well as Addis Ababa and Dire Dawa cities through information web system.

·         Installing an information web system for twenty two cities identified from across all regions for which a system of cadastre and modern land information will be established.

·          A monitoring and supporting on information web systems to be installed in other regions.

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