Urban Good Governance and Capacity Building Urban Good Governance and Capacity Building
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1.   Introduction
    Urban Good Governance and Capacity Building Bureau (UGGCBB) is one of the main bureaus organized under the Ministry of Urban Development and Construction. The Office was initially established as project office under the name Urban Development Project Office (UDPO), under the then Ministry of Urban Development and Housing to administer and implement the first urban development loan granted by World Bank based on the agreement signed by the World Bank and the Government of Ethiopia on September 16, 1983.

The bureau has implemented various urban development projects since its establishment, getting supports from World Bank funds, German Government etc. In the last few years, it offered noteworthy capacity building support to get better the municipals legal status and organizational structure. Urban Good Governance and Capacity Building Bureau also took part in reestablishing and reorganizing municipalities in regional states. It also undertook capacity building and infrastructural development in cities through the Capacity Building Decentralized Service Delivery (CBDSD) and Urban Development Fund (UDF) projects. The Public Sector and Capacity Building Project (PSCAP) is also applied to enhance the capacity of cities through short term to long term trainings (Masters and PhD levels). The Bureau coordinates and administers the financial aid and loan obtained from Urban Local Government and Development Project (ULGDP) and the Urban Governance Decentralization project (UGDP) to capacitate cities and build standard  infrastructures.
  When the Ministry of Urban Development and Construction was reestablished newly in September 2003, the Bureau was also established on a high standard basis to accomplish the ministry’s duties and responsibilities. To exercise its duties, the bureau is structured in five departments and two projects namely:-
  1.     Project Management Department, 
  2.     Cities Integrated Infrastructure Development Department,
  3.     Human Resource Development and Standardization Department
  4.     Public Participation and Decentralization Department,  
  5.     Municipal Service Standardization and  Performance Measurement Department,
  6.      Urban Local Government Development Project (ULGDP) and Urban Government Development Program (UGDP).  

                                   የከተሞች መልካም አስተዳደርና አቅም ግንባታ ቢሮ ተግባርና ኃላፊነት (Download)

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